Monday, March 29, 2010

Mexican Drug War Continues

Two more innocent bystanders were killed on March 19. These men are just the few of the many dead people caught in the crossfire. The drug war has killed many innocent pedestrians, and,
The killings have brought the country's bloody drug war close to home for Mexico's middle and upper class, which have remained at a distance from the daily turf battles between rival cartels. Now the elites are joining poorer Mexicans in questioning the use of lethal military force to fight drug cartels in their cities, and whether the army could be killing more innocent victims than it claims.

The solution- build higher fences and limit the amount of people that can cross the U.S. and Mexico Border Cities. One of the most dangerous cities in the world is Ciudad Juarez. The U.S. can limit and monitor which people can come into the United States, but one can question my theory, "If U.S. limits the border in Ciudad Juarez, then the problem will go to Tijuana or Nogales." That's why I said build a higher fence. The higher fence would make it harder for the drug lords to transport the drugs. If none of those ideas work, then legalize marijuana. There would be no black market for marijuana.  

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