Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does Obama Have the Right Honduran Policy?

While President Obama supported Manuel Zelaya, ex-president of Honduras, Hondurans disagreed with President Obama and elected a new president, Porfirio Lobo. In July 2009,
President Obama said “it would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition rather than democratic elections. The region has made enormous progress over the last 20 years in establishing democratic traditions in Central America and Latin America. We don't want to go back to a dark past." However, why doesn't he commit to his word. The Hondurans disliked Zelaya because he tried to change the Honduran Constitution, so he could be president for another term. Obama obviously backed the wrong man, but how? Well, as I see it: carelessness. Since the U.S. did not have a stable economy during the '09 summer, how could the U.S. help Honduras when 70% of the 7 million people in Honduras live in poverty. Obama was more considered with the United States than Western Democracy.

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