Monday, May 10, 2010

Republicans Losing Important Votes

As Latino or Hispanic community continues to grow, Republicans may find themselves with the short-end of the stick. The graph above shows Latinos favoring the Democratic party almost 3 to 1. Lately, Republicans are pragmatic to start immigration reform even if the reform is borderline unconstitutional. On the other hand, Democratic are hesitant begin immigration reform mainly because they do not want to lose the Latino vote

Strategists from both parties say the vocal opposition of some Republicans to a proposed immigration bill that would give an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants a chance at citizenship drove Hispanics back to the Democratic camp.

However, it is unwise for the Republicans to reject immigration reform because America needs immigration reform. So the Republicans may lose this battle, but if the Republicans can appeal to Latinos economically or socially, they will win the war. I suggest that Republicans advocate tax-breaks for the legal Latinos. Since many Latinos work for minimum wage or work the jobs that whites do not want to do, a tax-break incentive would benefit the Republicans' campaign. 

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona's Crack Down On Immigration

As Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, signed immigration law SB1070, I wondered how she was going to sleep that night knowing that this law would put many of Arizonans at risk. Not only does she risk the lives' of illegal immigrants but the lives' of police officers. I understand Brewer's logic that the illegal immigrants are a burden on American hospitals and schools. However, it is morally wrong to judge a person by his/her skin color. Cardinal Roger M. Mahony of Los Angeles said "the authorities’ ability to demand documents was like “'Nazism.'”, but I would not go to that extreme. Arizona obiously isn't killing illegal immigrants.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Story of Honduras

Part I
According to Tim Merrill, a writer for the Library of Congress, “The United States has had more influence on Honduras than any other nation in the twentieth century.”1 However, now in the twenty-first century diplomatically the United States is leaving Honduras alone. Since the military coup of Honduran president Manuel Zelaya in June of 2009, the United States has over looked Honduras’ economic and political situation. Moreover, Honduras seems to be in the back of American’s minds. With the Haiti, Chile, and Mexicali Earthquakes, Honduras is old news, but what most Americans do not know is human rights abuse in Honduras.
Zelaya wanted to change the article in the Honduran Constitution that would allow him to serve another term. Under the Honduran Constitution, only one term is allowed, but let’s back track to spring of 2009. Manuel Zelaya, still president of Honduras, calls for a special election asking the Honduran people if he can change the constitution to allow him to re-rerun for election. In May of 2009, Honduran Congress ruled Zelaya’s special election unconstitutional.2 On June 28, 2009, Manuel Zelaya was arrest by Honduran troops in a military coup, to stop him pressing ahead with a constitutional referendum that would allow reelection. They then expel him to Costa Rica at gunpoint.3 However, this is not the first time Zelaya has violated human rights in May of 2007, President Zelaya orders all the country's radio and TV stations to carry government propaganda for two hours a day for 10 days. 4 Even though Manuel Zelaya breached Honduran human rights, the United States would not support Honduras unless Zelaya was reinstated as president: when presidents like Honduras's Zelaya break the law, they forfeit their right to rule, regardless of whether they were initially elected. Honduras removed its would-be dictator, President Manuel Zelaya, but Obama joined Cuban dictator Castro and Venezuelan dictator Chavez demanding that Zelaya be reinstated.
Part II
Obama wants to weigh down Hondurans with Zelaya whether they want him or not, just because they once elected him. Under Obama’s way of thinking, Bill Clinton, who was impeached for obstruction of justice, shouldn’t have been forced to resign because Americans voted him into office. The way, I see it Obama wants presidents, once elected, to stay in office no matter what they do. It seems like Manuel Zelaya has spent too much time with Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez. What the United States did not realize was Manuel Zelaya was an imminent dictator. Castro, Chavez, and Ortega call themselves a democracy, but Americans know that they made themselves into an aristocrat. My host father told me “this is a man [Manuel Zelaya] has mislead the people, has filled his pockets with money, and has tried to make himself into a dictator.” Most Republicans disagree with Obama’s decision. Republican Connie Mack, R-Florida, recently said, “There is little doubt that Zelaya, in his blatant power grab, has moved Honduras down a dangerous path toward less freedom, less security, and less prosperity…The United States and our allies in the region must now stand with the Honduran people to ensure the respect of freedom, the rule of law and democracy.” 5 and Florida Congresswoman Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, the ranking Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee agreed with Connie Mack, “the Honduran people deserve a government which upholds the constitution and protects their democratic rights. True proponents of democracy and human rights will hold true allegiance to these principles, not to the rulers who undermine them.” 6 Democrat Hillary Clinton, says, “Honduras has taken important and necessary steps that deserve the recognition and normalization of relations… and the situation [coup] was well managed in Honduras in a nonviolent way.”7 How can Hillary Clinton say this when people are still getting killed? According to Mark Weisbrot, co-director and co-founder of the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C, “Throughout the electoral campaign there were massive human rights violations. You have Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch—everybody has complained about this. In fact, in the middle of Secretary Clinton's trip, nine members of Congress sent her a letter—these were all Democrats, too, including some leadership—and asking her specifically to make sure that she got something in terms of human rights before restoring aid to the government of Honduras. And she completely ignored that letter and announced the restoration of aid the next day.”8 When Clinton says that this was nonviolent, she must have overlooked the black-and-white facts. What should the United States do involving Honduras?
Part III
Granted that I cannot solve the human rights abuse in Honduras completely, I suggest that Americans ought to research non-private organizations in North, Central, and South America. Last summer, I went to Honduras for four weeks. My trip, however, was cut short four weeks because of the Honduran Coup. My project supervisor said that Honduras was not safe enough for foreigners and even some Hondurans who radically supported Zelaya. It is a well-known fact that Honduras is a deprived country, and Honduras is the second poorest country in the Americas.9 Well, to make a long story short. I was based with a non-private organization called Amigos de las Americas. My project main objective was to restore Honduran independence. After Hurricane Mitch, many of the communities where I stayed, were never rebuilt. The entire crops were destroyed and some of the farmers said that the soil was no longer adequate. So to help the Hondurans back onto their feet, my partner and I made a school garden. The school garden was a viable tool that everybody in the community could help grow. We gathered many elders of the town, who know how to farm, and had them teach the schoolchildren to grow their own garden. My main objective was to stop the poorer Hondurans relying on the government for money for food for the schoolchildren. Although the United States has restored some Foreign Aid to Honduras, the U.S. Aid money and money from the Honduran government is not reaching the communities. Since I was there last summer, Hondurans have become even poorer because of the coup. However, my project supervisor said, “The good news is that in many of the communities, our school gardens provided snacks even after the money stopped.” So in conclusion, I suggest Americans donate money to organizations that help prevent human rights abuse.

[1] Tim Merrill, ed. Honduras: A Country Study. Washington: GPO for the Library of Congress, 1995.
[2] Michal Toiba. "Timeline: The Honduran Crisis ." Americas Society (2009): n. pag. Web. 1 Apr 2010. .
[3] Yoletta Nyange. "Honduras: a timeline since the June 28 coup." (2009): n. pag. Web. 4 Apr 2010. .
[4] "Timeline: Honduras." BBC News (2010): n. pag. Web. 10 Apr 2010. .

[5] jpt . "In Russia, President Obama Explains His Support for Ousted President of Honduras." ABC News (2010): n. pag. Web. 5 Apr 2010. .
[6] jpt . "In Russia, President Obama Explains His Support for Ousted President of Honduras." ABC News (2010): n. pag. Web. 5 Apr 2010. .
[7] TRNN . "Counting Coup: Hillary Shills Honduras." Pacific Free Press (2010): n. pag. Web. 10 Apr 2010. .  (video)
[8] TRNN . "Counting Coup: Hillary Shills Honduras." Pacific Free Press (2010): n. pag. Web. 10 Apr 2010.
[9] Simontann . "The second poorest country in the americas." Travel Pod (2010): n. pag. Web. 11 Apr 2010.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mexican Drug War Continues

Two more innocent bystanders were killed on March 19. These men are just the few of the many dead people caught in the crossfire. The drug war has killed many innocent pedestrians, and,
The killings have brought the country's bloody drug war close to home for Mexico's middle and upper class, which have remained at a distance from the daily turf battles between rival cartels. Now the elites are joining poorer Mexicans in questioning the use of lethal military force to fight drug cartels in their cities, and whether the army could be killing more innocent victims than it claims.

The solution- build higher fences and limit the amount of people that can cross the U.S. and Mexico Border Cities. One of the most dangerous cities in the world is Ciudad Juarez. The U.S. can limit and monitor which people can come into the United States, but one can question my theory, "If U.S. limits the border in Ciudad Juarez, then the problem will go to Tijuana or Nogales." That's why I said build a higher fence. The higher fence would make it harder for the drug lords to transport the drugs. If none of those ideas work, then legalize marijuana. There would be no black market for marijuana.  

New IPhones

According to the Wall Street Journal, Apple plans to reveal a new IPhone,
Apple plans to release a new version of its current iPhone this summer, continuing its practice of annual upgrades at about the same time of year, said people briefed on the matter. The model is likely to be thinner and have a faster processor, two people familiar with the device said.

Every summer since 2007, Apple has released a newer, better IPhone. The reason- more revenue. IPhone fanatics will die to have the latest, greatest IPhone, and Apple feeds off these customers and laughs all the way to the bank. As I see it, the new slimmer IPhone will be even easier to lose because it may slip out of the pocket.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Joe's Spout Mouth

When Vice President Joe Biden hugged President Obama, Biden whispered "big f***in deal". While the Health Care Bill is one of the biggest steps in American History, I can't believe he said that. Politicians are held at a higher standard (meaning they are expected not to swear, etc.) His foul mouth shows poor vocabulary skills, and it also convinces Americans that Joe Biden cannot keep his mouth shut. Please, Vice President Biden refrain from such language near a microphone.

New Curfew for Richmond

According to Richmond Police Chief,
 that he believes introducing a strict curfew for minors will help fight truancy and stymie the crime wave plaguing that city.School officials said that on any given day some 4,500 Richmond teenagers are on the street instead of in school. Under a proposal that police plan to unveil this evening, schools would impose a curfew. Any students caught wandering the streets could face a juvenile court judge and perhaps have to pay a fine.
Nearby Hercules and Pinole have similar programs.“It is another tool we can use to get our kids in school so we know they are safe. What the cities have found out is that with the daytime curfews the juvenile crime and activity has plummeted,” said Associated Schools Superintedent Wendell Greer"

However, this curfew is looked down upon by the parents. The parents believe that the police are invading their privacy.  Even some parents say that the police should not tell them how to raise children. Since there are so many young adults wandering in Richmond, I believe this curfew will help keep students in school. The Richmond schools earn money daily for students attending the school as regular public schools do. This curfew ought to give Richmond schools the money they need.

Monday, March 22, 2010

John Boehner Calls Nancy Pelosi Out

Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio calls out Speaker of House Nancy Pelosi. He alludes to the back-room deals because that is what Pelosi did to get so many votes on the Health Care Bill last night. He also condemned Pelosi,
"You only can ignore the will of the American people for so long" and “We have failed to reflect the will of our constituents, and when we fail to reflect that will, we fail ourselves and we fail our country.”

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Local News Man

There was a teleprompter fail!

Does Jail Help Or Hurt A Rapper?

Most of us have heard names such as Lil' Wayne, T.I., but do we know them because of public media or  their songs. Nowadays, most Hip-Hop Artists or Rappers rap about sex, money, cars, and women. Do Americans exactly listen to the lyrics or do Americans succumb to the beat of the music. I decide to listen and to watch to this music video. This artist used the word b**ch more than 5 times, and that is all I could understand because the b-word had more emphasis than his other mumbling. The artist is named Gucci Mane, and Gucci is in jail for parole violation. I believe that jail-time does indeed help rappers. Rappers thrive on pubic media and the consumer's money. Many teenagers do not know what jail is actually like, and many believe that jail is where people go when they do "cool stuff". Gucci Mane was sentenced to 12 months in jail, but that's not stopping him from being a top-selling artist. Gucci Mane is so popular that he plans to release another album later this year according to his website.  I guess that jail-time really does help a rapper's reputation.

California Colleges

As my College Letters of Admissions arrive, I find myself more and more disappointed. Not only did my parents and I spend more money on college application fees, but sadly I am getting fewer admissions acceptances than I anticipated. I applied to 8 colleges four times the amount my parents did when they applied. Moreover, my parents only paid 2,500 dollars for a whole year of college while I will end up paying 25,000 year ten-fold. Last week, University of California students rallied against the 32% tuition hike($10,000 a year). However, that is not the worse part, I did some research and found compensation packages were the big reason for the tuition hike. I am happy to leave high school and to start a new chapter in my life. However, I am disgusted with the Statewide-California school budget cuts. Some of my favorite teachers may be handed the pink-slip, but the reason I made it to college was because of their uncountable efforts to help me success. I fear that the students of the 2011, 2012, and so on will not be able to get into the colleges of their dreams. With big classes and less classes offered, students will not be able to shine in their colleges applications. I believe Generation Y will start at a huge disadvantage because of the careless of past generations. Please, do not hurt our future, we are the next voting-Americans.

Minimum Wage for Honduras

According to Honduras News
Negotiators from the labor unions propose to set a minimum wage of 8,500 lempiras, according to the leader of the Confederation of Workers of Honduras (CUTH), Jose Luis Baquedano.

“In this country to live more or less, a worker must earn monthly lempiras of 8,500 to cover the cost of basic food, and health, housing, education and utilities,” said the labor leader.

“If a minimum wage is based on nothing more than basic food, that means that the worker is unable to meet demand for housing, health and education, we must speak of fair wages to improve living conditions” he said.

I believe that this is mandatory that Honduras have a minimum wage(8,500 lempiras is equivalent to 425 U.S. dollars). If, for example, Honduras continues to not have minimum, the worker who is willing to work the most hours for the least amount of pay will get the job. This is not how it should works. Workers that have an education and experience ought to have a better chance of working than the person who will work for less money. The workers who work for the lowest pay often do not want to work as hard because the poor pay.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Stock Advise Pt.1

Man are those good videos. Well, the first step in owning a good stock portfolio is to do some research. I would recommend looking for companies that have double (or even more) profits. This is a good hint that the stock will rise in price. Such companies: Harley Davidson Motorcycles and the unpopular Bank of America.Try this advice and may you may double your money in a matter of months.

Aid to Honduras

I am so happy to hear that Honduras will receive money from U.S.A. For the first time I am happy knowing that my tax dollars are going to Honduras. According to Honduras New,

Hillary Rodham Clinton, alerted the Obama administration’s Congress that approximately $31 million in U.S.A. assistance for Honduras would be forthcoming. “We think that Honduras has taken important and necessary steps that deserve the recognition and the normalization of relations,” Ms. Clinton remarked. We believe that President Lobo and his administration have taken the steps necessary to restore democracy.”

Hopefully Honduras will use this money to promote education. In order for Honduras to catch up with the U.S.A and other wealthier countries, Honduras must send its children to school.

Zelaya to Publish A Book

An article from Honduras News says that ex-president Manuel Zelaya plans to publish a book.
Manuel Zelaya is planning to publish a book detailing his removal from office within the next three months, he said.
The assumption is that he will write about his claims that business leaders in Honduras were behind the event, and were upset that he planned to copy President Hugo Chavez’s socialist policies.
No information was given on who the publisher might be, if he would be using a ghost writer, or if it would be in the “fiction or non-fiction” section.

This is very interesting that an ex-president already wants to publish a book. I bet that this book will cause much turmoil amongst Honduran citizens. Many Hondurans may be surprised what Zelaya's true intentions were in office. This book may even danger Zelaya's life. I find it intriguing the points that Zelaya will make in his books. Will he discussing his wrong-doing to the Hondurans while in office or will he reveal a plot which he was not able to make?

The Bads of Health Care Reform Pt.2

Another reason why I believe that the U.S. should not have health care reform is lack of competition.Such government-runned programs such as the United States Postal Service already lack integrity to do the job right. Last Christmas, I went to the local postal office, and I wanted to send a package to my grandma. However, I was unable to because the U.S.P.S. ran out of mailing boxes. I was very disappointed because the U.S.P.S. should have known that it needed more boxes in order to compensate for the high demand of mailing orders during Christmas time. Imagine if U.S. health care was like that, "Sorry, Johnny but we are out of blood today, you'll have to come back tomorrow." If companies have little or no competition, why should the company work as hard when it knows the consumer will come back.

Monday, March 8, 2010

How Obama Is Killing Foreign Auto Makers

                                                           Above is Toyota's president, Akio Toyoda

Before anybody complains against Toyota, please realize that one has only a 8% chance of having a problematic car. This also depends on how well you maintain your Toyota car.

Just because of this recall and publicity, does not mean Toyota has declined on reliability. Toyota halted sales for a particular reason- the floor mat. Complaints have been made against the floor mats moving underneath the gas pedal accelerator and thus trapping the mat underneath it. Other car manufacture have similar problems and not exactly take actions such as Toyota would. Nissan's suspensions has problems, they know about this but didn't halt vehicles, Honda's ball joint tends to come off especially from the back wheels (a serious problem), Ford's tires especially BF Goodrich pops unexpectedly and minor brake failure has been reported, and Chevy's has automatic transmission problems, so does General Motors, Chrysler, Cadillac.

Toyota is doing its best to help to customers. Toyota realizes that American Consumers have made Toyota what it is today- a successful car marker. People must be cautious when she/he hears the news, "Oh if we drive a Toyota now we'll die." Toyota is not a bad company; in fact, Toyota took smart decisions to make their vehicles more safer for future generations. I commend  Mr. Toyoda for coming to America to testify in front of Congress. Mr Toyoda was quoted,  

"I will be happy to attend. I will speak with full sincerity," Toyoda told reporters Friday in Nagoya, near where the company is headquartered.
"I am hoping our commitment to the United States and our customers will be understood," said Toyoda, grandson of the company's founder. 

Toyota has taken the right steps to ensure American Consumers are safe.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Unease For The Honduran Teachers

The political situation in Honduras is only worse. According Honduras News:

      Approximately 10,000 people marched from the capital’s main university heading to the presidential palace, but were diverted to parliament in the city center by soldiers, according to organizers of the event.

     Thursday’s protesters were calling for a constitutional reform, and denounced corruption and human rights abuses they believe to have taken place since Zelaya was ousted last June.
      Six teachers’ unions supported the protests, and called for a suspension of classes nationwide.

I support the teacher unions because if the teachers return to teaching the student, this would only suggest to his/her students that he/she supports the president. The government cannot abuse Honduran civil rights. The government make set a beneficiary mood/tone for the Honduran people

Monday, March 1, 2010

The Bads of Health Care Reform Pt.1

Before anybody criticizes this article, please understand I am for health care reform, but not the way the United States wants it. The United States wants the Federal Government have to control of the national health care system. The Federal Government already runs programs such as United States Postal Service, Internal Revenue Service, and Social Security and  the government has proven that it has failed at running large-scale programs such as Social Security. How would a government-run health care system be any different? Well, I am not sure that I have an bullet-proof answer, but here's is a suggestion. Let the American people have the public option this way nobody feels that the United States has violated his/her constitutional right.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Was There a Winner At The Health Care Summit?

After reading several new articles and watching clips of the Health Care Summit, I have come to believe that no party won. Republicans were solely considered with "starting over" while the Democrats tried to find a common ground. Republicans such as Mitch McConnell Kentucky and Lamar Alexander Tennessee want to "start over" because they know if  they stall long enough this health care bill will die. What the meeting made clear is what the Democrats are going to do. They will attempt to bully a bill through the Congress and onto President Obama's desk. Alan Fram of Associated Press says "The Democrats seem ready to use "reconciliation," a seldom-used procedure that could let them push legislation through the Senate with a simple majority" In reality if the Democrats cannot pass this bill by using reconciliation, the health care bill will dissolve into nothing. Americans cannot handle cannot handle another year of debating on health care. Something else came to my mind while I watched the Health Care Summit. Our Senators and Representatives cannot appropriately work together in Washington. We (as a nation) need the Democrats and Republicans to cooperate together. Without cooperation, we will have a one party denominator. This is bad for America, so please Senators and Representatives work for the greater good of Americans.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

My Summer

For my community service project, I went to Honduras for the summer. I spent four weeks in Honduras with a Honduran family. My partner and I talked and taught at the local grade school almost everyday. We talked about the environment and Honduran politics. One of the many projects, the community, my partner, and I did was a garden for the local school. We decided to make a school garden because the school had hardly any money for lunch for the schoolchildren. The government, at least I don't believe, does not provide funds for the schools. The Honduran government pays for the teachers; however, when the government threatened to not pay the teachers, the teachers never came to school.

In the blogs to come, I will be addressing topics as Human Rights Abuse in Honduras, the current situation of Honduras, what the U.S. government should or should not do.

How President Obama Ought to Act in Honduras

Picture from Right to Left: Manuel Zelaya Ex-President of Honduras, Barack Obama President of the United States, and Hector Zelaya, Manuel's son.

President Obama should've backed Honduras in June 2009. Obama had two choices to make: the U.S. could've either side with democracy, as every government in Latin America, or it could've side with the coup regime. The American Government decided to side with the coup. However, what the U.S. does not know is Hondurans are being denied human rights. Obama must no longer allow violence and repression that the Honduran government has practiced against the Honduran people. Hondurans are denied freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and freedom of press. This is not democracy. Honduras looks more and more like Venezuela everyday.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Does Obama Have the Right Honduran Policy?

While President Obama supported Manuel Zelaya, ex-president of Honduras, Hondurans disagreed with President Obama and elected a new president, Porfirio Lobo. In July 2009,
President Obama said “it would be a terrible precedent if we start moving backwards into the era in which we are seeing military coups as a means of political transition rather than democratic elections. The region has made enormous progress over the last 20 years in establishing democratic traditions in Central America and Latin America. We don't want to go back to a dark past." However, why doesn't he commit to his word. The Hondurans disliked Zelaya because he tried to change the Honduran Constitution, so he could be president for another term. Obama obviously backed the wrong man, but how? Well, as I see it: carelessness. Since the U.S. did not have a stable economy during the '09 summer, how could the U.S. help Honduras when 70% of the 7 million people in Honduras live in poverty. Obama was more considered with the United States than Western Democracy.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

A Slow Time For Immigration

The United States of America saw a slower year for immigrant.

Will Dow Jones Continue to Dip?

As speculation of Europe Debt Crisis continue to worsen, the Dow Jones dropped to 9,908.39. Today's closing is the lowest in three months. Contemplation lingers that American banks will suffer if the European Banks fail to pay off their debts. Jeffrey A. Hirsch the editor of "The Stock Trader’s Almanac" said, “While it may not be important technically, falling below that level indicates that the whole economic picture is not as rosy as everyone had thought." I believe that Dow Jones will continually dip because as U.S. bankers realize that countries such as Spain and Greece may default on their debts, bankers will become hesitate to invest.

The Dow Jones first hit the five digits in 1999, and it fell back to four digits in 2003 due to the dot com bubble. The Dow set a record high of 14000 points in October 2007, but after the credit bubble, the Dow is down 30% of the record high. It will take some time for the Dow Jones to continually maintain above 10000 points. We will not see the Dow Jones much above 10000 because unemployment is still high and companies will have low earnings. When companies start to make greater profits, we will see the Dow much above 10000.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

New Obama Tax Credit

In his speech to Congress last night, Obama said he proposes a $5,000 tax credit as a incentive for businesses to hire new workers during the barred economic times. However, these companies who want the new tax credit cannot simply fire one employee and hire a new employee, but that is not the only tax incentive for small business. Obama wants to give small businesses an additional reimbursement for companies that raise its employee's paycheck. The business would receive a tax credit for higher Social Securities payroll taxes.

This tax credits seemed to please the Republicans, and they may even support Obama on this one. Obama took the right steps to encourage small businesses to hire an employees because these small companies are the "backbone of America." According to the White House, these tax credits would cost $33 billion dollars, but where are we acquire the money. Obama already spent a $800 billion dollar stimulus, and this hardly made any jobs.

Hopefully, Obama knows where he is going with this one.

Imax to Reveal Record Breaking Profits

With the new 3-D movies such as Avatar, directed by James Cameron, IMAX looks to break new records. Once a Canadian company, IMAX has struggled for years to make profits and interest investors. Over the past three years IMAX lost money every single year, but since last August things changed dramatically. IMAX reported net income of $2.6 million in August 2009, compared to a net loss of $12.2 million in 2008. Total revenues increased 94% to $41.0 million, compared to total revenues of $21.2 million last year.

Countries such as China are starting to invest in IMAX. Huayi Brothers Media Group, the largest movie studio in China just reached an agreement to include studios overseas. These agreements will open the door to IMAX of a new business opportunities, IMAX will become an even more active participant on the movie production.

IMAX also has another card up its sleeve: Michael Jackson's "THIS IS IT". This movie will be a huge money maker. We will have to wait and see what IMAX really has to show.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

A Shortcoming in Bernanke's Job?

A shortcoming in Bernanke's job is highly doubtful. Bernanke was appointed by George W. Bush in 2005, and he was expected to change the invariable economy. Although many critics believe that the Fed's easy money policy will further impair the economy in the future, I see Bernanke as almost a profound superman; however, he could have utilized more regulation on banks. Bernanke saved the United States from what could happened. If Bernanke did not bail out the banks, the whole current banking system would have failed.

Bernanke is up for re-nomination for his second term of U.S. Federal Reserve chairman. Politicans seek a scapegoat who they can blame the current economic situation, and Bernanke's nomination vote couldn't come at a worse time. Politicians blame that the Fed's expansionary monetary policy will only cause acute inflation in the years to come. Obama supports Bernanke fully and says, "He [Bernanke] has my strongest support." However, there is a lurking indecision in Capital Hill towards Bernanke. Senators including John McCain plan to vote against Bernanke's nomination.

Most public ire comes from the huge bailouts by the Fed such companies include Well Fargo, Bank of America, and Citi Bank. The White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs, says, "There’s still a great amount of anxiety in our economy, but Chairman Bernanke helped the president and the economic team steer through some very turbulent times and rough waters." Senator Diane Feinstein of California and Joseph Lieberman plan to vote for Bernanke.

Well, if I was a senator, I'd plan to re-nominate Ben Bernanke as Fed Chairman for four more years. Since I am not a senator, I will continue to follow up on Bernanke's story.